Mr. Siebzehnrübl






"The cinema is the joy of my life, otherwise there is nothing else!” Mr. Siebzehnrübl's Pam Theatre is not only the smallest in the Bavarian town Passau, but also the most peculiar. Time seems to stand still in its single screening room. Clearly, it would have ceased to exist if not for this exceptional 81 year-old man.



Original Title: Herr Siebzehnrübl


Writer/Director/Producer: Tuna Kaptan


With: Erich Siebzehnrübl, Barbara Wolk, Johanna Krauß-Welp 


DOP: Julian Krubasik 


Editor: Felicitas Sonvilla


Sound: Nina Wesemann


Sound Mix: Andreas Goldbrunner


In Collaboration with: University of Television and Film Munich


Logline: A moving portrait about a lonely 81 year old man and his anarchronic porn movie theater in a Bavarian small town.



Best Documentary - Skena Up International Student's Film and Theatre Festival 2012

Best Documentary - Akbank 9. Kısa Film Festivali Istanbul 2013

Best Short Documentary 

Best Foreign Short Film

Best Director - KINOKI Film Festival Mexico City 2013

Audience Award Jahresschau HFF Munich 2013

Lenzing Award Bronze - Festival of Nations 2013

Honorary Mention - FIC Buenos Aires 2013


Festivals: Krakow Film Festival

Akbank Short Film Festival Istanbul

Festival Chalon tout court

Dukafest International Student Film Festival

SkenaUp International Student's Film and Theatre Festival

Internationales Filmwochenende Würzburg International Filmfestival of Filmakademie Vienna

Kinodot - Festival of Creative Short Film St. Petersburg

KINOKI Film Festival Mexico City

Sehsüchte - International Student Film Festival Potsdam

Sinepark Kisa Film Festivali

Festival of Nations Lenzing

Inönü Universitesi Kisa Film Festivali 

Salon Internacional De La Luz Bogota

Medienfestival Tübingen

Ismailia Film Fest Egypt

Documentarist Istanbul

Festival de Cinepropio Madrid

Fest Portugal

Ayvalik Uluslararasi Feilm Festivali

FIC Buenos Aires

Cinema Verité Festival Teheran

FIDÉ Brazil

Stuttgarter Filmwinter

Landshuter Kurzfilmtage

Kurzfilmtage Augsburg

Status: Distribution through Donaukapitän


Release: October 2012


Technical Data: Documentary, 18 minutes, 16 mm, 5.1 Dolby SR



A rescue centre for reptiles in Munich becomes the intersection of a Syrian refugee turtle and a German sergeant - a film in the midst of glass terrariums about animals, mankind and war.



A Kurdish woman is sentenced to six years of house arrest. The charge: supporting terrorist activities. Her older son is torn between obedience and rebellion. How far will he go to protect her?




2012: Two young men smuggle Syrian refugees over the Turkish border to Greece. As Europe tightens security, their work grows increasingly difficult—foreshadowing the decade’s looming crisis.